Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring has arrived

Good morning everyone. It feels like someone pushed the fast foward button on life! haha Where have the past few weeks gone? I think that the loss of an hour has really thrown a wrench in my spokes, so to speak. I am just now getting back on track, getting organized and starting a few of the projects I have been meaning to start for weeks now. Last night I made a fresh lemon curd cheese cake, I didn't post the instructions for this one because it took me almost 2 hours to make and frankly, it was exhausting. It's one of those recipes that you make like, once a year because it is SO good but a terrible pain to make. Another recipe will be coming soon, I promise!

Another thing that is coming, COACHELLA!!!! I am so excited I could pee my pants. 3 days of bands I love, people I love, sunshine and dancing. This also means festival fashion!! Short shorts, hippie shirts, bikinis, big sunglasses and floppy hats. I cannot wait. There are only 19 days left. I made a playlist for you all of a few of the bands I am excited to see. Enjoy.......

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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Pavement... their song "Harness Your Hopes" is one of my favorites!



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